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Air Boarding Experience

Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London can help you to book up for all of your Air Boarding experiences in London and the surrounding areas.

We will shortly be updating this page with a list of experiences available, why not check back soon?


Try Air Boarding

Here's another one for all those adrenaline junkies out there         that just need more something challenging something          different well do you fancy travelling down a mountain          slope on your belly at up to 60 mph? Well then you really             need to check out this new craze they got going on                                                  Airboarding.

    This one is crazy but what a load of fun and is also very       easy to learn and progress at without too much vigorous                                                  training

  Airboarding is very much like bodyboarding that you do on

      land or sea combined with a little snowboarding effect.

 You simply lay on top of it hold onto the side strap handles

  you use your own bodyweight to steer and the tips of your                              toes to slow down and brake

 Airboarding is a winter sport that everyone can enjoy either          in a purpose-built outdoor activity centre location or

      purpose built outdoor ski jumps and of course on any           mountain or steep hillside located virtually anywhere in       the world that is steeper than 30 degrees and is covered                     with tonnes of lovely powder white snow.

   Well, Airboarding has now arrived in the UK and there are         now many different locations springing up right across

          the country that now delivers this unique service

Ski Lodge

Challenge Yourself 

      Booking up is really easy via Hobby Hub Central Ltd             simply find an experience from our list below choose                  your listing date choose your desired location                        book up to receive your discounted entry pass

       subject to availability then get out there and enjoy

                     the Air Boarding Experiences of your                        dreams check out our list below for even more details!


Book Your Experience 

   Airboarding has now arrived in the UK and there are now         many different locations springing up all over the country

     Chill Factore in Manchester has one of the best service                                      offerings in the country

      Their vast activity centre facility offers a wide range of          snow or ski-based activities that can be enjoyed by the        whole family. They offer family days out parties lessons                 memberships indoor skiing snowboarding kids                holiday camps kids ski school kids snowboard lessons

  with full one to one coaching and training by fully qualified                     professionals starting with the basics

       All equipment is also included the Air board Helmet                 Gloves Protective Clothing Goggles you just need

                                        sturdy footwear

          after all training is fully complete and you are now           confident in your own ability then maybe now is the time

        to take your game to the very next level overseas ski

                                         and board tour

        You are now ready to hurtle down any mountain side

        with the full knowledge that you've already done all

     of your training and the name of the game is to always

                                               stay safe 

Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London can help you to book up for all of your Air Boarding experiences in London and the surrounding areas.

We will shortly be updating this page with a list of experiences available, why not check back soon?


We will shortly be updating this page with new content, listing the

air boarding experiences available.

     Want to learn more about our      real time experiences and events?

Get in touch with Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London. Email:

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