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Paintball Players


Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London can help you to book up for all of you

Paintball Experience in London and the surrounding areas.

We will shortly be updating this page with a list of experiences available why not check back soon?


Paintball Experience

  It's them against us and we are not going down without a                             serious fight. You guys ready?

                    then let's go splatter some paintballs.

         Welcome to paintball it's a highly intensive highly                           competitive team-based sporting activity.

   All members depending on participant numbers are split

                       into two or more opposing teams.

 They then engage in their own war games battle scenarios            with the main objective outcome of the game is to                                capture opposing enemies' flag.

   The art of the game is to not get hit or splattered by the                     paintball pellets as they fly through the air.

   You will be ducking and diving slipping and sliding as you          dodge all incoming attacks by the enemy opposing              teams. Teamwork will be the key to victory push your          enemies back take over their territory and capture their              team flag last team standing wins it's that simple.   


Secure The Perimeter

        Booking up is really easy via Hobby Hub Central Ltd           simply find an experience from our list below choose                      your listing date choose your desired location                    then book up to receive your discounted entry pass

      subject to availability then get out there and enjoy the         team paintball experience of your dreams check out our

                          list below for even more details!


Book Your Experience 

       What's Included full on-site safety training and briefing          paint ball sessions that cater for 2,4,6, or 8 people in

                                                   a group.

      All equipment provided camo suit, safety eye goggles,

   body protection, semi-automatic rapid fire machine guns          available to rent 400 paintballs for use and can reload                                                   purchase more

       if needed multiple action role play team-based game             themes fully supervised event in action marshals on               site. Available all year-round multiple locations right

    across the country including outdoor forests abandoned        airfields indoor unused warehouse locations and more.

    You can even experience paintball whilst driving around

     in a FV432 mini combat tank that shoots paintball type                              bullets at another FV432 mini tank.

     You will probably want to restore your energy after all

   that fighting activity and there are also full refreshments

                                      and services on site.


Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London can help you to book up for all of you

Paintball Experience in London and the surrounding areas.

We will shortly be updating this page with a list of experiences available why not check back soon?

We don’t have any products to show here right now.


We will shortly be updating this page with new content, listing the paintball experiences available.

     Want to learn more about our      real time experiences and events?

Get in touch with Hobby Hub Central Ltd in London. Email:

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